Tag: ESP 8266

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DHT11 Temperature and Humidity With ESP 8266/32 KIT APP

In this project, you’ll create a standalone web server with an ESP8266 that displays the temperature and humidity with a DHT11 or DHT22 sensor. The web server you’ll build can be accessed with any device Having the ESP 8266/32 KIT APP on Mobile . Installing the DHT Library for ESP8266 To read from the DHT…
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ESP 8266/32 KIT APP

ESP 8266/32 KIT is an Android App Developed by Techeonics for the ESP8266/ESP32 Microcontroller ESP 8266/32 KIT is an Android App Developed by Techeonics for the ESP8266/ESP32 Microcontroller Using this App user can control LED/Relay or ON/OFF operation on the esp, user also gets the sensor data output on the app as well. ESP SWITCH…
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Setup ESP 32/8266 in Arduino IDE

Setup a programming environment for ESP 8266 in Arduino IDE. 2. This will open up a new window, where we set the IDE to point to the configuration file. 3. In the field “Additional Boards Manager URLs:” enter FOR ESP8266 – http://arduino.esp8266.com/stable/package_esp8266com_index.json FOR ESP32 – https://raw.githubusercontent.com/espressif/arduino-esp32/gh-pages/package_esp32_index.json 5. Select the OK button at the bottom of the window…
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Interface DHT 11 Sensor with ESP8266

Interface DHT 11 Sensor with ESP8266 (Node MCU) Before that a brief overview of DHT 11 DHT11 sensor consists of a capacitive humidity sensing element and a thermistor for sensing temperature.  The humidity sensing capacitor has two electrodes with a moisture-holding substrate as a dielectric between them. Change in the capacitance value occurs with the change in…
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What are ESP Microcontrollers, ESP8266 VS ESP 32,ESP is a series of low-cost, low-power systems on a chip microcontroller ESP  is created and developed by Espressif Systems, a Shanghai-based Chinese company, and is manufactured by TSMC using their 40 nm process.ESP is a series of low-cost, low-power systems on a chip microcontroller with integrated Wi-Fi and dual-mode Bluetooth ESP 8266…
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