Setup a programming environment for ESP 8266 in Arduino IDE. 2. This will open up a new window, where we set the IDE to point to the configuration file. 3. In the field “Additional Boards Manager URLs:” enter FOR ESP8266 – FOR ESP32 – 5. Select the OK button at the bottom of the window…
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Interface DHT 11 Sensor with ESP8266 (Node MCU) Before that a brief overview of DHT 11 DHT11 sensor consists of a capacitive humidity sensing element and a thermistor for sensing temperature. The humidity sensing capacitor has two electrodes with a moisture-holding substrate as a dielectric between them. Change in the capacitance value occurs with the change in…
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Automated Chrome Dino Game using Arduino : Hey, guy’s welcome back to Techeonics in this article we will make an Automated Chrome Dino (T.rex) Game using Arduino this Automated Dino Game is very easy to make In a few steps. To make this automated dino game I am using Arduino UNO you can also use…
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