SimAr Humanoid Robot: A Semi-Intelligent Multifunctional Robot Back in 2019, we embarked on an exciting journey to develop the SimAr Humanoid Robot—an acronym for Semi-Intelligent Multifunctional Autonomous Robot. This project was built upon the foundation of multiple prototypes and research iterations, culminating in a sophisticated system that took us approximately two months to fully develop.…
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Intelli Bot v1 DIY 5 in 1 Robotics Kit The Intelli Bot v1 Robotics Kit is designed to bring the fascinating world of robotics to life for students, educators, hobbyists, and tech enthusiasts. With the flexibility to build five different types of robots, this kit empowers users to explore various aspects of robotics, programming, and…
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Adjust the brightness of AC-powered lights In today’s DIY electronics scene, controlling AC light brightness using an AC dimmer module and Arduino is a popular and practical project. This article delves into the details of the AC dimmer module, its features, and how to use it to control AC lights with Arduino. We’ll also provide…
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Explore the Raspberry Pi Camera Module 3 through our detailed guide, featuring setup instructions, a review, comparison with other modules, and troubleshooting tips to ensure smooth operation.
In this blog I’ll walk you through how to upgraded the firmware of Flysky FS-i6 drone RC transmitter to 10 channel remote to be able to use four more aux channels (instead of only two), and make use of all the switches and knobs on this radio.
LoRaWAN (Long Range Wide Area Network) is a specification for a telecommunication network suitable for long-distance communication with little power. The technology is used for machine-to-machine communication (Internet of Things). The architecture consists of gateways, network servers and application servers. There are RF chips from Semtech used to transmit a spread spectrum. More information about…
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In this project, you’ll create a standalone web server with an ESP8266 that displays the temperature and humidity with a DHT11 or DHT22 sensor. The web server you’ll build can be accessed with any device Having the ESP 8266/32 KIT APP on Mobile . Installing the DHT Library for ESP8266 To read from the DHT…
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Interface DHT 11 Sensor with ESP8266 (Node MCU) Before that a brief overview of DHT 11 DHT11 sensor consists of a capacitive humidity sensing element and a thermistor for sensing temperature. The humidity sensing capacitor has two electrodes with a moisture-holding substrate as a dielectric between them. Change in the capacitance value occurs with the change in…
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3D Printed face shields for healthcare workers during the Covid19 outbreak! As we know that in the situation of the Corona Virus Crisis, the doctors and policemen and sanitation workers are doing efforts to control the situation, but they have less Protective equipment for their protection (PPE). So the 3D printing Community making the face shield for them.…
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Automated Chrome Dino Game using Arduino : Hey, guy’s welcome back to Techeonics in this article we will make an Automated Chrome Dino (T.rex) Game using Arduino this Automated Dino Game is very easy to make In a few steps. To make this automated dino game I am using Arduino UNO you can also use…
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